The Main cast of A Dance of Lies and Lust

With just a few days until A Dance of Lies and Lust comes out, I thought it was time to make a little introduction of the main characters. 

Sofie Christmas

  • 25 years old 
  • Assassin 
  • Bounty hunter 
  • Powerful Lock magic

Wants revenge on every man who ever hurt her mother and her. Grew up with her mother and dangerous but loving stepfather, who started to train her to fight when she was five. 

Killian – Kill – Jones 

  • 24 years old (probably, no one including himself knows how old he truly is) 
  • Has been bound by magic to a psychopath for 17 years
  • Powerful Blocking magic

Dreams of a home and family where he can be safe and loved. Had a loving father, who died when he was just a little kid, and he ended up on the streets, before he was bound to the Lord of Air who’s been keeping him as his personal slave. 

Warren – Wrath – Cathmore 

  • 31 years old 
  • The Lord of Bones 
  • Necromancer 

Grew up a street kid and will do anything to keep his power. Has a sister who means the world to him, and he will literally burn down the world to keep her safe. 

Putting these three on the same path is dangerous, explosive, and if I get to say so myself, hot as all hell 😏

And remember, if you sign up for my newsletter, you get A House of Shadows and Light for free, the prequel to A Dance of Lies and Lust – set 20 years before, and following Sofie’s mother. Sign up HERE

Keep reading, 

Love, Tea 

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