Release day – The Scarlet Huntress

Happy release day to the Scarlet Huntress – the fifth and last book in my shattered fairytales.

This has been such a crazy year, and I want to thank everyone who’s bought my books, supported me, shared my books with friends and families, and started following me on social media. You all make writing and publishing so much more fun, and I don’t think I could have gone through this year without the whole bunch of you ❤

The Scarlet Huntress is a shattered retelling of Little Red Riding Hood, with a dash of The Boy Who Cried Wolf, intended for adult readers.

The Scarlet Huntress

Ruby has known what her mission in life was ever since she was born. As part of the Redshield Family, it is in her blood to hunt the monsters that roam the world. When the same werewolf that killed her parents kills her grandmother, Ruby is set on revenge because who’s better at hunting The Beast of Dochaerus than the notorious Scarlet Huntress? 

As far as Peter is concerned, Redshields are the evil that stalks the night. Fanatic killers who see everything not fully human, like him, as fair game. When fate decides that a Redshield should be his fated mate, he’s ready to run away and leave the one woman his wolf longs for behind. 

But fate doesn’t take no for an answer, and Ruby and Peter find themselves forced to work together to kill the Beast that wronged them both. But as truths are revealed, and feelings start to stir, one question remains. Can a hunter and a wolf ever love each other? 

I love to hear from my readers, so leave a comment and brighten my day <3

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